Mental Health Longevity
“There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That is how the light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen
1. Personal development
2. Mental Health and Quality of Life
3. Crisis and Trauma
8. Grief and Situation of Loss
About me
- I support improving the quality of life for individuals and across society.
- I foster the growth of potential, resilience and mental health of individuals and work teams.
- I emphasize diversity and cooperation.
- I connect professional fields and professional groups in the private or public sector bringing positive systemic change.
- personal development and self-awareness,
- development of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-control, empathy, social skills, motivation),
- mental health and longevity (cognition, emotional stability, resilience, primary prevention and well-being),
- adaptation mechanisms in severe illness,
- psychosomatic diseases,
- anxiety and depressive disorders,
- support in the grieving process and in situations of loss,
- relationship issues and communication.
- My clinical work focused on neurological, geriatric and palliative medicine patients, including care for their family members.
- My research work is focused on the field of neuropsychology, longevity and healthy ageing – Healthy and Successfully Ageing.
- I have a post-graduate degree in Medical Psychology and Psychopathology (Ph.D., 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague) and in Single-Disciplinary Psychology (M.A., Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, Olomouc).
- The psychotherapeutic approach I use is Gestalt Psychotherapy (IVGT, Prague).
- I have acquired specializations in Complex Crisis Intervention (Remedium, Prague), Therapy of Partner Relationship (LIRTAPS, Liberec), Psychologist in Healthcare (Palacký University, Olomouc) and other professional skills focused on neuropsychology, psychodiagnostics and communication.
- I regularly participate in professional conferences, seminars and supervision.
- I graduated from Philanthropy for Impact (EFC Foundation, Warsaw).
Professional experience
- I work in the field of psychology and philanthropy.
- I worked clinically and as a researcher at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; at the National Institute of Mental Health in Klecany and at the General University Hospital in Prague (2015-2024).
- In collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and the University of Pennsylvania, my research focused on neuropsychology, longevity and healthy ageing (1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University; Laboratory of Neuropsychology, Department of Neurology, General University Hospital; Gerontopsychology research team, National Institute of Mental Health in Klecany, Prague, 2016-2021).
- I participated in the implementation of palliative medicine teaching and in the education of undergraduate students in Self-Care and Medical Professionalism (1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, 2021-2023).
- I am active in the field of philanthropy focused on the systemic development of palliative care in the Czech Republic (Foundation Fund for the Development of Palliative Care, 2025-present; Foundation Fund of the Clinic of Palliative Medicine, 2021-2024).
My approach
I believe that a person’s purpose in life is to know who they are, to be unique and to find their path so they can live a fulfilled life. To know who a person is is to understand how they think about things, how they experience things, and what they actually do.
I also believe that the process of self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-acceptance – becoming who one is – requires perseverance and the ability to work hard systematically. At the same time, it is the only way to live a life that truly belongs to the person themselves. No one but you.
My task is to support these processes in the client at all levels in the present moment so that he/she can acquire his/her own unique way of thinking and relating to the world around him/her and is able to take responsibility for it.
“Responsibility means the ability to react, to be fully present to what is happening.” FREDERICK PERLS

Gestalt psychotherapy
Here and now
Gestalt psychotherapy emphasizes awareness of one’s own perception, experience and action in the here and now. It directs a person towards self-acceptance, self-expression and personal growth.
It assumes that from birth a person has the personal potential – resources and abilities – to create mutually beneficial contact with other people and the environment, which in the course of development may be blocked in fixed relational patterns.
In the therapeutic relationship, the client discovers unconscious habitual patterns and expands his emotional, cognitive and physical awareness leading to finding new and creative ways of contact with the environment, a personal shift to follow his own free choice and the ability to take responsibility for the free expression of his needs and for the decisions he makes.
Relevance for practice
Gestalt psychotherapy finds its application in the field of personal development and growth, as well as in clinical practice for serious and psychosomatic illnesses (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema, thyroid and digestive disorders), post-traumatic conditions, anxiety and depressive symptoms, addiction issues, personality disorders, psychotic disorders and eating disorders.
Theoretical background
Future and goals
Coaching is a professional approach of systematic self-development to effectively achieve goals, improve performance, build mental resilience and find new and creative perspectives for a long-term positive impact on your personal and professional life.
In a mutual cooperation based on partnership, trust and ethical principles, I support your ability to develop your own potential, autonomy and responsibility. Through structured support, internal motivations and obstacles are discovered as important parts of the process of shaping your goals and your future.
Main benefit:
- Increasing self-awareness: promoting understanding of strengths, values and motivation.
- Support for decision making: finding the best solution and strategy.
- Effective time and priority management: improving performance and productivity.
- Stress management: building resilience and mental health.
- Strengthening emotional intelligence: improving social skills and the quality of relationships.
Mental Health Longevity
Quality of life
Mental Health Longevity is the concept of optimizing mental health with the goal of promoting not only life expectancy, but especially its quality in mental and physical vitality. It is becoming an integral part of health care and well-being programmes focused on longevity.
Within the framework of preventive medicine and primary prevention, it promotes disease prevention and strengthens the overall quality of life leading to active, i.e. healthy and successful ageing.
In a situation of serious illness, it supports the highest possible quality of life at any stage of the disease.
As an interdisciplinary approach, it draws on the latest findings from psychology, neuroscience, medicine, and preventive care to maximize cognitive vitality, emotional stability, and mental well-being in the life trajectory of any person who chooses to embrace and actively pursue this concept.
Basic pillars:
- Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases: promoting neuroplasticity, cognitive training, good nutrition, exercise and quality sleep.
- Stress management and psychosomatics: chronic stress as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune dysfunction.
- Emotional resilience and prevention of affective disorders: mental balance and its influence on vitality, hormonal and inflammatory processes. Emotional intelligence and its impact on social bonds and psychological flexibility as a prevention of anxiety and depressive symptoms contributing to physical and cognitive decline.
- Lifestyle optimization for long-term vitality and health: regular exercise, healthy diet, quality sleep – mental pillars and well-being. Active living to prevent the risk of stagnation and passivity in older age.
Mental attitude
Mental adjustment is the first step and the key to longevity. It significantly influences the way you perceive the world around you, make your decisions and shape your reality. Your ability to optimize your mental set-up leads to the optimization of your life.
Mental attitude is a reflection of the quality of your life. The importance of mental attitude on performance, mental and physical health is part of existing research in neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics and medicine and affects several key areas:
Biology of the body – psychoneuroimmunology:
- Stress and psychological resilience: the negative effect of cortisol on exhaustion, inflammatory processes, immunity and acceleration of ageing.
- Placebo and nocebo effect: the power of the mind – mere expectation of recovery and production of endorphins and corresponding immune responses vs. negative beliefs.
- Epigenetics: influence on gene expression and the cellular ageing process.
- Neuroplasticity and longevity: openness to change promotes neuronal connections as a protective factor for cognitive decline and neurodegeneration.
- Psyche and physical regeneration: reducing the risk of chronic diseases, promoting recovery.
Quality of thinking – quality of decisions – quality of life:
- Perception of reality: opportunity vs. problem.
- Gratitude mindset: the influence of the way external circumstances are interpreted on life satisfaction and feelings of happiness.
- Growth mindset: confidence in developing one’s abilities and coping with challenges.
Relationships and social intelligence:
- Empathy and communication: effective communication, ability to form deep relationships.
- Self-awareness and authenticity: knowing one’s own worth and being able to be oneself as key factors for personal and professional satisfaction.
- Resistance to external influences: fixed setting as a protective factor against toxic environment, ability to maintain its own direction.
The key foundation of longevity:
- Existential well-being: purpose and meaning in life affecting the quality of the immune response and as a support to maintain motivation and vitality in the life trajectory.
- Influence on behaviour: belief in the influence of one’s own decisions on quality of life leads to higher self-care compliance (exercise, nutrition and mental hygiene).
How I work
In mutual cooperation , my task is to create for you a professional support combining the benefits of psychotherapeutic work and a professional coaching approach to effectively meet your needs to achieve an optimal level of quality in your personal and professional life.
I focus on providing expert care based on education, professional experience, and validated methods that reflect current knowledge about factors affecting mental health and cognitive vitality in a person’s life trajectory. The goal is to promote mental health and quality of life for my clients as part of the Mental Health Longevity concept.
In my work I rely on the principles of evidence-based practice, I follow current scientific research, I apply an interdisciplinary approach in which I integrate the latest findings from longevity science, preventive medicine, neuroscience and psychology – especially in the field of medical psychology, neuropsychology and gerontopsychology, focused on healthy ageing and longevity.
- The appropriate procedure is to use the contact form on the website or my email.
- It is not necessary to specify exactly what type of service – Psychotherapy/Coaching – you are interested in.
- For your comfort, I recommend sharing only basic information and a description of the area you are interested in working on.
- It is advisable to mutually agree on the exact format of cooperation to best meet your needs.
- The process of appropriate referral is part of my expertise and professional experience.
- The mutually agree on the exact format of cooperation includes detailed information on safety, financial performance and conditions.
- Depending on the agreed form of cooperation in person or on-line.
- Personal meetings take place on TUES-WED-THURS at Korunní 23, Prague 2; 1st floor – Psychotherapy.
- The length of the meeting depends on the type of service. The basic length of one meeting is 50 min.
- Common meeting formats: Individual psychotherapy 50 – 75 min; Couple psychotherapy 75 – 100 min; Coaching 75 – 100 min.
Safety and rules
- I follow the ethical rules of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy.
- To maintain professionalism, I regularly supervise my work and continuously educate myself professionally.
- I respect your privacy. The personal data provided is confidential.
Financial performance and conditions
- Determination of the financial performance and conditions is part of the agreement on the exact format of cooperation.